Lung Foundation Australia
Be a great friend! Share this page with your friends to help reach Venessa's goal.
08:30 - 09:00
Bike One
Hey all! I am participating in this fundraising event because it is a worthy cause for a wonderful organisation (Lung Foundation AUS). However, I will be participating from Fiji!!! As I am there for the the week that the event is on in the office. There is a gym at my resort, with a bike, (I have checked) and I will post up photos on my socials. FYI - I'm thinking of taking a page out of Tina's book and completing with a glass of wine (or cocktail) or two! :) If you help me raise $500 I will be conquering my fear of heights... and will go SKY DIVING!!! Ekkkkkk!! So in the famous words of Jerry Maguire - "Show me the Money!"