Liv Dorai Raj

EY Sydney

$1,310 Raised

Target $0

Raising money for

Weave Youth & Community Services

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My Rides Schedule

Tuesday 23 October

8.91 KM

11:30 - 12:00

Assurance & FSO (Tues - Bike 1)

Why am I taking part

Status Updates

Roshana Prabaharan donated $50
almost 6 years ago
Go Liv! :) amazing job
Sophie Leijer donated $10
almost 6 years ago
Marie Ha donated $20
almost 6 years ago
Gamini Martinus donated $100
almost 6 years ago
Good luck! Keep pedalling!
Inge Budihardjo donated $25
almost 6 years ago
Good luck Liv!!
Christine Human donated $100
almost 6 years ago
Go get them, Livia! Make me and your mother proud. Outfit? Borrow your mom’s Super Woman outfit.....
David Kochummen donated $50
almost 6 years ago
David Kochummen donated $25
almost 6 years ago
Monica Austin donated $50
almost 6 years ago
Good luck Liv!
Neeta McGrath donated $75
almost 6 years ago
Good luck Liv🍀
Verghese Kochummen donated $100
almost 6 years ago
Ride with a Superwoman costume !
Mathew Kochummen donated $200
almost 6 years ago
Way to go Livia!
Anna Dorai Raj donated $200
almost 6 years ago
Takuma Ohashi donated $20
almost 6 years ago
Good luck Livia!
Christina Richards donated $50
almost 6 years ago
Have fun Liv and well done on supporting a great cause.
John Benson donated $100
almost 6 years ago
This is binding
Cameron LePoidevin donated $10
almost 6 years ago
Alex Karpos donated $100
almost 6 years ago
James Lawes donated $25
almost 6 years ago
Liv joined the team "Assurance and FSO"
about 6 years ago
The team's fundraising target is $1,000 so far they have raised $6,256. Donate to Liv to help the team reach their target. Donate Now
Liv has booked to ride on 23 Oct starting at 11:30
almost 6 years ago
Liv joined the team "Assurance and FSO"
about 6 years ago
The team's fundraising target is $1,000 so far they have raised $6,256. Donate to Liv to help the team reach their target. Donate Now