Nick Blackman


$600 Raised

Target $400

Raising money for

Ronald McDonald House South East Queensland Chapter


Martin Brower Queensland

Raised $1,750 of $500

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My Rides Schedule

No rides booked currently.

Why am I taking part

“We make a living by what we get, But we make a life by what we give.”

Status Updates

Nick Blackman posted an update
over 7 years ago
I am overwhelmed by the generosity of all those who have helped me and Martin Brower achieve this phenomenal result for this Charity. Being there on the day inspired me to achieve what we did, we covered over 100km's as a team and to put into context allowed a family to stay for 11 nights with a sick child or another way to look at it is to accommodate 11 families for a night. Speechless, Blessed, Thankful. "We make a living by what we get, But we make a life by what we give" Not a truer word spoken
Phil Corcoran donated $50
over 7 years ago
Watch out for that saddle rash Skip! Good on you for helping out a great cause.
LMA SM Group donated $50
over 7 years ago
Matt McInerney donated $25
over 7 years ago
Good luck from the UK ( Via Auckland! ) I'm only donating on one condition.....If you post a picture after you finish you only show from the waist up. Those cycling pants can be pretty tight and I don't want any nightmares!
Danielle Perry donated $25
over 7 years ago
Good Luck Nick from the UK Great effort for a great cause!!
Paul Tomkinson donated $25
over 7 years ago
Good Luck Nick all the way from the UK
Mark van Deventer donated $25
over 7 years ago
Happy meals, I mean days
Pam Tsui donated $25
over 7 years ago
Best of luck team!
Nick Blackman posted an update
over 7 years ago
What an effort from the team, super effort.
Sheila and Peter Eddy donated $25
over 7 years ago
dawn ha donated $25
over 7 years ago
go get 'em guys.
Colin Honey donated $25
over 7 years ago
Nick Blackman posted an update
over 7 years ago
This is tremendous everyone, Just so you all are aware, you all have contributed to accommodating 2 families for a night in one of these Houses. I can not begin to thank you all enough for your generous donations. What this must mean to families is undeniable
Troy Hitchens donated $25
over 7 years ago
Good Luck
mark thiganoff donated $25
over 7 years ago
Nick Blackman posted an update
over 7 years ago
Wow, very much appreciated everyone. The desire to see me and our team in spandex is obviously strong!
Scott Cupples donated $25
over 7 years ago
Mark Fuller donated $50
over 7 years ago
Anonymous donated $25
over 7 years ago
Urszula and Colin Barrett donated $50
over 7 years ago
Good luck!
Deb Blackman donated $100
over 7 years ago
Nick joined the team "Martin Brower Queensland"
over 7 years ago
The team's fundraising target is $500 so far they have raised $1,750. Donate to Nick to help the team reach their target. Donate Now